Ran Mullins By Ran Mullins • June 21, 2018

3 Ways to Use the Same Piece of Content to Attract Different Stakeholders

content-marketingBecause the lengthy and complex B2B buying process involves multiple decision-makers, marketers are realizing that the personal approach of account-based marketing gets results. In one study, 85 percent of marketers found that account-based marketing delivered higher returns than any other approach.

ABM pursues specific companies and their individual stakeholders from a variety of angles — and that includes your content. Here are three ways to repackage a single piece of content to appeal to all of the stakeholders who are involved in deciding whether to purchase your solution.

1. Reframe for Different Audiences


As early as the outlining stage for a piece of content, you should be thinking about the different audiences you could attract with it. Create versions off of the core outline for each persona using different metrics or language that speaks to their specific issues.

If you’re writing a case study that highlights the cost benefits of your solutions, your initial audience for the case study may be CEOs who need reassurance that investing in your services will be cost-effective.

But you can also reframe the results of your case study to highlight different benefits and make your content relevant to others in the organization. For example, a Chief Technology Officer likely is more interested in your technical specs or installation considerations.

2. Reframe for Different Delivery Methods


When considering different stakeholders in an organization, make note of how each most likes to consume content. Blog posts are the most frequently used delivery method for content, but not everyone reads them.

Some people look to their peers and industry leaders on social media for information — a well-placed, eye-catching infographic based on your case study findings will grab their attention. Impressive stats and quotes are better at capturing the attention of scrollers, and visual information is more likely to stick with your prospects.

Others listen to podcasts to stay up-to-date while they’re on the go. One study found that a higher proportion of senior-level decision makers are listening to podcasts than their junior-level colleagues. Your blog may be great at generating traffic and leads, but if those leads need C-suite approval, they can simply point the boss to your podcast series that she can listen to on her next flight.

3. Reframe for New Technology & Practices


If your company jumped into content marketing early, then you definitely have content that could use some updating. This suggestion won’t necessarily lead to attracting different stakeholders, but it will help you build trust with today’s more tech-savvy audience.

If your older material reflects outdated practices, is focused on selling, concentrates on SEO rather than readers, lacks striking visuals, or simply isn’t designed using your current branding, then revamp and republish it as new content. Update old links and statistics, change the publish date and switch out or redesign CTAs to give you an SEO boost and optimize conversion rates.  

Back to the Well


Fresh content will always be the key to B2B content marketing, but fresh doesn’t have to mean entirely new. Use the above tips in conjunction with your account-based marketing strategy to give different stakeholders content relevant to their specific concerns and responsibilities — and get their buy-in more quickly. Rbookend2.jpg
