Ran Mullins By Ran Mullins • February 23, 2023

Increase Your Company’s Maturity in Marketing With One Powerful Tactic

The B2B sales cycle is only getting longer, and companies are struggling to get a clear picture of their marketing ROI. By taking the time to examine where your company stands on the maturity in marketing scale, you can better assess the return on your marketing initiatives. This is especially important for companies with limited time and resources. 

For example, a company that is still in the infancy stage of the model is likely to see a higher return on investment from a well-executed awareness campaign than a company that is already well-established. Likewise, a company nearing the end of the digital marketing maturity model may not see as much benefit from investing in those same customer acquisition efforts. 
By understanding where your company falls on the marketing maturity model, you can make more informed decisions about allocating your time and resources.

Finding Where Your Company Lands on the Maturity in Marketing Scale

Maturity in marketing can be generally defined as the ability of a company to achieve its goals through various marketing channels, strategies, and technologies. The goal of marketing maturity is to ensure that the company's marketing efforts remain aligned with its business goals, and that its marketing strategies are continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of the marketplace. 

The digital marketing maturity model is a framework companies can use to assess their marketing capabilities. The model has four levels, each representing a different level of marketing sophistication.

Emerging: Level one is the most basic, representing a business with little focus on marketing. At this stage, companies typically rely on word-of-mouth advertising and have no formal marketing plan. 

Aligned: Level two is slightly more sophisticated, and it represents companies that have begun to invest in marketing activities such as creating a website or developing a social media presence. However, at this stage, marketing efforts are still relatively ad hoc and lack strategic direction

Unified: When a company has reached the third level in the market maturity model, they can take an objective and strategic approach with clear goals. Companies often find themselves stuck in the third level of market maturity because getting to level four requires a significant investment of resources, including time, money, and manpower. It can be difficult to maintain momentum at this stage, as results are not always immediately apparent. 

Companies that can make the transition out of level three tend to be those that have a clear understanding of their audience and what they want to achieve. They are also willing to experiment and take risks to achieve their objectives. As such, level three should be considered an essential step toward marketing success.

Optimized: Finally, level four represents the highest level of maturity in marketing. This is where companies have fully integrated their marketing strategies into all operations. 

By using the digital marketing maturity model, companies can identify areas where they need to improve to achieve success.

How to Transition from Unified to Optimized Despite Marketing Budget Constraints

As the old saying goes, "you have to spend money to make money." But what happens when your company is trying to move through the maturity phases while operating on a tight marketing budget? How can you still make sure that marketing efforts remain effective?

A simple, cost-effective method for optimizing your marketing strategy despite budget constraints is to bridge the gap between your marketing and sales departments. It's no secret that marketing and sales are two of the most important departments in any company. 

They both play a vital role in generating leads, converting them into customers, and driving revenue. However, these departments often operate in silos, with little communication or collaboration. This can lead to missed opportunities, duplicate work, and decreased efficiency.

When marketing and sales work together, they can create a powerful team to generate more leads and close more deals. By sharing information and working towards common goals, they can ensure that no leads are left behind and that every opportunity is maximized. 

In addition, working together can help to identify areas where the two departments can complement each other's strengths. For example, if marketing creates a great strategy, but sales are unaware of it, it won't do any good. By working together, marketing and sales can ensure they're always on the same page, and everyone is working towards the same goal.

Relequint: Paving the Way for Smarter Marketing Initiatives

The journey to increasing your company's maturity in marketing on a limited budget isn't always easy, but it's possible with the right plan. Organizations can achieve this growth by determining where they stand in marketing maturity and developing and adhering to a plan for how they will get there. 

Once you have a clear understanding of your starting point, you can develop a plan for how to get where you want to be. This plan should include specific actions and milestones that can be used to measure progress. Finally, it's important to stick to the plan and continue making progress despite setbacks. With creativity and perseverance, any organization can increase its marketing maturity on a strict budget.

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